Wednesday, April 16, 2014

cloud nine

this year has been quite the roller coaster. a lot of ups and a lot of downs. yet this past weekend really made everything worth it! i can now say that i am a NATIONAL CHAMPION!

even though this will be my last year on the dance team i wouldn't trade the last three years for anything in this world! i have learn to become my own person. someone who can follow her heart and know what i want. someone who has become stronger, more loving, a better dancer, a better student, one who loves her school, and someone who will forever be part of a sisterhood! as i transition into a new year and a very new section of my life i will always love my girls and always remember the most amazing three years of my life!

here's to the end of volleyball games, basketball games, appearances, early saturday morning practices, bootcamps, nationals, and being a uvu dancer! it has been an honor!

ANNDDDD.... here's to a new year of my life being UVU's Alumni Relations Director! i am sooooo excited to start and i can't wait to learn more and more!


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